seems like we only have ~10 years to deal with climate change. also seems like joe biden is gonna get the nom. What the fuck do we do in these next few years given that the dems are not remotely interested in dealing with climate change in any real way?
Any civil war in the US will be between nuclear armed factions of what is left of a broken US military.
You should listen to Robert Evans’ ‘It Could Happen Here’ podcast and read up on civil wars like in Yugoslavia, Syria and Lebanon. It’s not all about nuclear weapons.
Read up on it anyway. Nuclear weapons aren’t a McGuffin that is going to decide everything. The government will most likely still have possession of them.
A civil war is not going to be left vs right. Not in a country like the US. It will be split racially, culturally and by class. There will be several factions all fighting each other. I told you to go read about Lebanon and Yugoslavia cause the similarities are there, especially Yugoslavia. They suffered an economical collapse and had many ethnicities who retreated into mythology about how great they used to be (MAGA) and blaming others. Lebanon was similar with all of it’s culture differences and many groups.
More likely a civil war will be guerrilla fighting between a handful of different insurgent groups than different factions of the US military fighting each other. Of course given the military’s penchant for losing nukes and that we live in hell, i wouldn’t be surprised if some of the militias end up with them lol