Halfway down the thread someone mentions that this article is based on a self-reported pew research poll and not any kind of more in-depth study.
Also whoever wrote the article either didn’t understand the actual poll or just outright lied about what the data showed lmao
comment on this:
If you drill down into the actual source of the data, which is a Pew research poll, you find a specific definition of “single”. It is not actually “are you [not] dating someone”.
In these stats, “single” refers to people who “are not married, living with a partner or in a committed relationship”.
The important part here: a committed relationship. This is self-reported by the people being polled.
If two people are in a relationship, one may answer “yes” to this and the other may answer “no”, depending on whether they see it as a “committed” relationship.
Thus, there is an interesting explanation for at least part of the data - perhaps young men don’t consider themselves “committed” as often.
Combined with the age distribution phenomenon, this likely covers pretty much all of the discrepancy in the stats.
Original Pew Poll: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/ft_2023-02-08_facts-single-americans_01/
Fashy bros love to avoid putting a label on things and then blame women for not being in a relationship lol
My friend has offered to essentially dress me up and help make an OLD profile for me. I’m hesitant, mainly because I prefer to wallow in misery, but I’m also tempted to say fuck it because I’m tired of wallowing in misery.
Still, these days no one wants to think about how they can’t smell or taste and I prefer not to get sick a trillion times. Not sure how I’ll navigate this.
Take the offer. I’ve been trying to start ODL myself but I only have 3 pictures of the required 6
Honestly, the pictures terrify me the most. Perhaps I’m being harsh on myself because others have said I look fine, but I feel like I look like the hyper detailed Spongebob drawings. I hate smiling and rarely does it feel natural lol. But even then, I have no interesting hobbies :biden-alert:
you don’t have to have “interesting hobbies” you just have to have things that you are interested in and the ability to articulate what is interesting about them to others
For me the pictures are fine, I just can’t muster the energy to find situations to take more