Hot take:
This is a pro us military story about intervention to help a native population against the monsters who are going to wipe them out without our help.
IE: we are officially living in Starship troopers.
Are you doing your part?
Honestly I was bothered by it being a Monster Hunter fan.
But then when you think about it, its pretty damn rare that a video game movie is ever really meant for fans of w/e game its based on.
On the other hand I don’t really see how this is going to catch the interests of people who’ve never even heard of the game. Might as well pander to the game fans as much as possible.
Might as well pander to the game fans as much as possible
Hollywood will never learn this lesson, but they really should. The only fondly remembered video game films are The Wizard and Mortal Kombat, and while MK is extremely cheesy frankly that was the correct choice because the game is too.