I hate that these manmade horrors are actually well within my comprehension
proving that you’re the third most intelligent race by talking to a computer program like it’s a person. Dogs barking at dogs on the TV.
I swear that’s literally just a ranking verbatim from 4chan or stormfront or something. Doing a victory lap that your racist screeds were in the training data, sure, but doing a victory lap because you think the AI has collated racial statistics and decided that ranking itself is baby-brained behavior
they don’t see a difference. fascist mythmaking is, to some degree, self-conscious. it doesn’t matter if they can’t scientifically prove that whites are superior, except for the puppetmaster jews and wiley asians, because stories about eternal racial conflict and hierarchy make them feel like life is worth living. the scientific method was only invented in the last 500 years! if a fantastical epistemic mode was good enough for humanity before then, why shouldn’t they return to it? the only value of scientism and “scientific” racism for them is that it forms a bridge to the larger symbolic order of normal society.