Critical support to the tories, I guess?
Gary Lineker, a famous football/soccer pundit criticized the Tory migrant policy as being fascist and BBC forced him off their highly watched show. Now other fellow personalities have announced they will not appearing either in support. BBC has basically run out of commentators to run the show now lmao
Don’t forget, they didn’t air a David Attenbrough episode (series?) because they were afraid of Tory reprisal…afraid that the promotion of the environment would go directky against Tory messaging.
Match of the Day is one of the most popular and revered sports programs across any sport. I’m not even a fan of English football but I tune in regularly because it’s such a well presented show.
God what a bunch of fuckin babies. They really do cover for tories so goddamn much it’s unreal
players are going to boycott BBC interviews, lol
Solidarity folks, you love to see it