original deleted but here is the thread https://twitter.com/olgatokariuk/status/1501870371208839168
I feel like a crazy person pointing out that Putin had valid reason in wanting to purge Ukraine of neo-nazis. Everyone thinks he’s cRaZy and making it up and that heckin’ slava ukraini smol beans are inclusive angels. The guy didn’t want nato aligned nuclear armed fascists on his border.
Or the ol’ liberal classic of PUTIN IS GAY and he’s mad that DRUMPF broke up with him and that’s why he invaded xD 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I mean yeah but it’s pretty obvious that invading a country that has fascists in power is only going to empower those fascists as they can now make whatever changes they want under the pretense of being at war.
I’m sure invading Germany empowered the Nazis as well.
Until the moment their leaders all killed themselves.
He’s kind of done a shitty job of it since they’re more powerful than ever, tbh.