K-Pop Twice Member Accidentally Wears Swastika Shirt After Accidentally Wearing QAnon Top
I can give her the benefit of the doubt on both of these, but surely there’s somebody on her team who would catch it.
…is what I’d say if I hadn’t actually lived in Asia before.
If they’re in another asian country that isnt as exposed to western culture, maybe.
south koreans should know better
I was in Japan, and I can promise you that nobody knew or cared what English was written on their shirts, like, at all.
Don’t these pop idols have highly cultivated personas? Is she supposed to be the edgelord member of the group or what? Why do these accidents keep happening to the same girl?
People are often very careless about that sort of thing, so I’m inclined to chalk it up to coincidence. I suppose it could be a thing where someone knew it would generate press but also that 99% of the audience wouldn’t care or see it as an honest mistake, but it could also just be an honest mistake.
Particularly with the one in the photo, there’s nothing that would cause anyone to give it a second glance unless they recognized it as being associated with Q, if they even knew what Q is. Not every person in the world is cued in to American politics enough to recognize that.
Lol I highly doubt she cares about Buddhism. It’s likely some bougie brand shirt like Vetements or some shit and she chose to wear it because she’s rich
Also, Nazis were allies with Imperial Japan, the Korean far right adopting Nazi imagery just doesn’t make sense.
I’m always willing to give non westerners the benefit of doubt in regards to ignorance of right wing motifs (well the Qanon bit more than the swastika). Like so not only are you constantly getting bombarded by western bullshit, you’re also supposed be aware of all the hidden layers?