I have a really Q-pilled coworker and I’m genuinely worried about him sometimes. He’s always armed with a pistol. He talks about his neighbors being federal agents. He’s told me he never read a book except the Bible, but now all he reads is Facebook. He goes home to his kids and apparently sits in a trance scrolling Facebook for every Qanon meme and conspiracy possible. He comes to me talking about holograms in the sky and failed expeditions in the arctic to uncover 30 foot bones that belonged to giant humans. You can’t mention a movie around him or he’ll start yelling about all the actors being pedophiles.
I don’t know what to do. He could be normal if he stopped getting on facebook for a few months. China was correct to censor western social media.
You can’t mention a movie around him or he’ll start yelling about all the actors being pedophiles.
damn he’s just like me
I don’t know, sounds like the plot to a heartwarming romantic comedy if you ask me.