Someone watch this and lemme know how much is pure western c o p e.
we could easily print 10 trillion greenbacks and cover this miserable world with cutting edge infrastructure’
I would guess this would still depend on having enough labor and means of production to actually develop the technology and infrastructure, right?
But, say the USA was actually the USSA, then they can give everyone enough money to buy the necessities of life, and allow them to spend time doing what they want? And this wouldn’t increase inflation to the point where buying the necessities get out of reach?
Man, I really need to go read that book to understand how this bs works.
ofc i’m not giving you real figures but just consider this: the wars in the middle east have cost the US, each, a trillion dollars. the much lauded Belt and Road Initiative totals in the tens of billions of dollars. the US could easily dwarf chinese investments everywhere and it would still leave enough money for several wars. China actually has to earn dollars with their labour and by fulfilling US economic needs. the US can just print the money that everyone else has had to pay into since before any of us were born.
the US is ideologically committed to private companies being their interface to the rest of the world’s economy. it is ideologically committed against developmentism of any kind. america has capable construction companies but none of them are competing in Africa, South America, or anywhere else. instead that game is left for china, japan, france, maybe spain. at most what american elites want is to move in after china builds all the roads and open a starbucks down the street. if the country stopped drinking it’s own cool aid for a second and curbed on the libertarian propaganda it would still be the uncontested behemoth. it’s like the entire country woke up one day and got tired of winning.
Ok that makes a scary amount of sense. Huh. It…it doesn’t even seem sound for capitalism. Like…,why is the US being such a big dumdum. Wild.
i think it’s just the sheer levels of financialization that the US reached warping the whole policy making process.
the US’s real form of government is political lobbying behind the scenes. it’s always been this way, wether if you had unions, political dynasties, mobsters, or corporations. it’s neither unique to the united states nor was it unsuccessful at all. it’s just that the priorities of an industrial capitalist country and those of a financial empire are different. 100 years ago it was the US setting up steel mills and breaking european monopolies in south america. now it’s india and china doing it in their spheres of influence, with maybe japan and some euro countries competing here and there. not because the US doesn’t have manufacturing - even when the US is someone’s #2 trade partner that often involves high value stuff like plane parts - it’s that, financially speaking, the entire thing is extremely lopsided in favor of financiers, pyramid schemes, and the printing machine.
maybe it’s not possible to harness the dollar. maybe the power that comes with reserve currency status in a globalized world just corrupts political culture from within and the rot ‘breaks’ capitalism.
Through the cold war, the US positioned itself and its allies for the ultimate goal of giving private capital as much access to peoples, land, and resources as possible. Capitalists supported this because not only because they benefited, but also because they saw any socialist experiments as a threat. Today, it’s stagnating for the same reason – the end goal is still empowering capitalists. Only, now those capitalists see the existential threat as coming from the US, not from outside nations. Throw in a declining rate of profit and a myopic fixation on short term gains, and there really is no other way this could play out.