Sike, I still like it
At least Elton John had a prolonged partnership with a lyricist whom he had good chemistry with and seemed to like on a personal level, rather than just working with whoever the record company sends him, which I get the impression is what happens with Garth Brooks.
Caring about whether a band writes their own songs is very boomer, and mostly came about because of mechanical royalties in the United States.
If the artist themself is a boomer then I think judging them by ‘the standards of their day’ is at least partially valid.
Perspective: Nobody gave a shit whether Louis Armstrong or the Andrews Sisters wrote their own material. Expecting audiences to value performers who also were songwriters was a boomer phenomenon, starting mid 1960s-ish. That wasn’t very long ago, and the technology of audio recording wasn’t around for very long before that. But royalties are paid to songwriters according to a legal framework designed for player piano reels, predating all that even.