What are your experiences? A lot of mine tie into “just be a white cis dude” theory so I want to know. I drink in public and shit so cool people talk to me often
I can’t give too much away but I know a guy from Shanghai and we differ greatly politically. We mostly just talk about cool apolitical shit. Sometimes about how Australia sucks. He is at least pro-China so doing better than most Australians
Also he pays for my drinks a lot lmao
I did a job for him once and it annoyed me so much I stopped talking to him for years
We’re cool now. A legal job btw. I never told him but he knows
What’s the go with this site? This story is pretty identifying
I look like I know what I’m doing most of the time. Getting arrested for a one-off thing (vandalism) last month was out of character for me. Not because it was bad per se but because it was reckless and pointless
I do silly shit impulsively sometimes. Crashed a car semi-on purpose once, etc.