40% of latino voters saying latinx bothers them is way less than I expected. Stuff like Latinx or Latine or Latino@ flow terribly in our languages and redditors are always complaining about it.
I’m just saying. The left wing in Brazil decided to call Dilma ‘presidenta’ as opposed to ‘presidente’ (both forms would be gramatically correct, but for an older person presidenta sounds strange, almost mocking towards the person), and after 10 years it will still trigger right wingers. So I expected way more than 40% people to claim that they are annoyed by it, especially in the US. Just shows that culture war is bunk and relies entirely on constant propaganda.
One thing I’ll never get though is why english speakers don’t just use ‘latin’.
idk. i just remember reading something about a style guide from major news places in cuba and argentina and they included it. thought it was neat. brazil im sure is different :bolso-pain:
One thing I’ll never get though is why english speakers don’t just use ‘latin’.
This is what I use! I was reading something aloud the first time I ever saw Latinx and just figured it was an extra char/typo and just read it Latin. Which is how I choose to read and pronounce it. Not like anyone would be confused, though weirdly it’s the only second language I learned in middle/high school.
Most people in Guatemala aren’t even aware Latinx exists unless they’re big into Anglo media or studied abroad.
it works in english
It really doesn’t work in any language I know of. Are you supposed to say “Latin ecks?” Because that’s way more awkward and difficult to fit into a sentence than Latino or Latina
in portuguese we’d end saying ‘la-ch*nks’, which would be the new n-word misunderstanding meme i guess
Seems our slur-filter is multilingual, so you might wanna edit your comment to avoid losing the meaning.