The entire movie is very much running with “Rich kid with issues beats on poor people” and constantly has characters and the plot force him to evolve past that, or at least, try to in a way that doesn’t feel forced.
What was the riddle and why didnt he solve it?
IIRC theres a map of the city hidden beneath the Riddlers carpet that details where bombs have been placed to flood the city, and he doesn’t solve it because the hint is the carpet tucker that he assumes was just another weapon or something.
He only solves it when he accidentally tricks the Riddler into believing he did solve it already by showing up at his jail cell, which would be safe from the flood. So the Riddler starts rambling about the final plan and Batman has no fucking idea what he is going on about.
How do you get out of a room with no windows or doors, only a mirror?
Only carpentry experts will get this
Does one simply smash one’s way out? I feel like i’m out of touch with the working class as well :stuff:
You look into the mirror, see what you saw. Then your take the saw and cut the mirror in half. Then you take the two halves and put them together to make a whole. Then you climb through the whole.