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the DoD openly annoucing “We are actively preparing for war.”
They’re literally always planning for war. That’s their entire job. The “pivot to Asia” suggests the DoD is effectively giving up on the Middle East and looking for a new theater to piss away trillions. But the very fact that we’re talking about doing jungle warfare makes it sound more like Americans want to invade Myanmar or Malyasia than Beijing or Shanghai.
These fucking ghouls man, they know they’re running out of time, they’re going to kill us all and themselves just out of spite.
They’re marketing dipshits running copy to promote recruitment and make dying look fun. Ghoulish, sure. But I don’t know that they’re running out of time. The Western War Machine will be here long after I’m dead of old age. But the idea that Americans are going to be going abroad a la Iraq or Vietnam or Korea? Idk anymore. I just don’t think we’ve got that kind of juice anymore. There’s absolutely zero stomach for this kind of shit among the proletariat, in no small part because of how abused and ill-treated GIs from the last two generations worth of engagements have appeared.
Who wants to be the next guy to die for a lost cause? Not me.