the last one
they really don’t know what the hrt is for huh
They really don’t. They honestly think it’s just surgery. They can’t understand because then they might empathize. So they cannot learn. Must be able to put the transes into a box to be ignored.
To be fair, many adults don’t know what HRT is or the extent of how it works. The pipeline from learning how HRT actually works to realizing I’m trans was very short.
One of my favorite “the only things you know about trans people are what you’ve been told” facts is that trans women can successfully breast feed infants. It makes sense when you think about it but it blows people’s minds.
They also can’t understand because then they’d have to realize that bIoLoGiCaL fAcTs are just the workings of a bunch of easily manipulated chemicals and that sex is as vague, fluid and ultimately meaningless to anybody but yourself as gender.
If a minuscule hormonal change in an amab body could literally make them grow breasts and lactate, then maybe another minuscule chemical change could make someone feel a different sort of way about themselves, and that can’t be! That can’t be!!!