You’re obviously very horny for the war to continue, and you only live a few hours away.
Why wouldn’t you join up if it’s so important to you?
I’m very keen on the war to end quickly. I’ve said so from the start. Given that the war is not going to end before Russia loses, there’s no other option than to support Ukraine. On top of that it’s Ukraine which has the righteous cause.
I’ve had a gazillion of hexbears try to dunk on me here for a day now, and none of you had any better idea on how to end the war quickly. The best I’ve heard bogs down to “invite the Kremlin for talks and sing Kumba Ya”. That’s wishful thinking.
So, pray tell, what is your idea on how to end the war quickly?
So go there and fight. If this is really what you believe in, then why not?
Or do you think that Ukrainian lives are a worthy sacrifice for the “righteous cause” but your own is not?
No Kumba Ya. Go to Ukraine and fight. Bleed for it.