Repost because’s original post got removed from ! for dunking outside the dunk tank
Two issues I have with what you’re saying, this is a generalization being used to judge an individual, and materialism isn’t incompatible with being left leaning. Do you not have possessions or income?
There are other meanings for the word material, ha. Material interest means they get stuff that benefits them if they act a certain way. It is in your material interest to own a house so that you can have housing security. It is in a landlord’s interest that you rent from them instead, and for as much as you’ll pay.
And there’s nothing wrong with judging individuals based on what they choose to do with their lives. There are activities and professions (not that landlording is a profession) that are inherently extractive and detrimental and that nobody is forced to do. For example, working as a mercenary.
Okay, don’t answer my question.
Your question was based on a misunderstanding of what I meant by materialism and therefore irrelevent. I would also assumes it was rhetorical.
Did you, at any point, consider engaging with what I said and addressing it? You’re going in a bad faith direction.
Factually it’s wrong.
What facts are incorrect?
You’re judging them by the associations of what they choose to do with their lives, not the actuality.
It’s not an association it’s owning housing and renting it to other people to make a profit. That’s an economic and social activity. This is obvious, but you seem to be struggling with being wrong.
Around these parts, when you see the word “materialism”, it’s being used in the philosophical sense, rather than the common usage.
Materialism is a set of related theories which hold that all entities and processes are composed of – or are reducible to – matter, material forces or physical processes. All events and facts are explainable, actually or in principle, in terms of body, material objects or dynamic material changes or movements. In general, the metaphysical theory of materialism entails the denial of the reality of spiritual beings, consciousness and mental or psychic states or processes, as ontologically distinct from, or independent of, material changes or processes.
Taken from the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: