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You can paint the president of the world’s largest asian country yellow and I I’ll tell you it’s fine
pick me
You can depict the current leading party in Taiwan as maggots and I could also tell you it’s fine. In fact, people here already do. The CCP just so happens to be that sensitive about a fucking yellow cartoon bear. Hilarious I know. If they someday be also sensitive about a pink alien and we make fun of it, are you going to tell me it’s racist against aliens?
Lol stupid black people upset about wide lipstick. It’s just fucking lipstick and face paint. Hilarious I know.
I just came up with this rhetorical strategy of flattening the context of an offensive act so as to present it as being non offensive! I don’t know where I got the idea but I sure do feel like I could win an online debate with it.
FYI, that meme originated from Chinese social media. If that meme was supposed to be racist, you’re essentially saying that Asian people somehow offends other Asians about their skin color being yellow, despite themselves being the same ethnicity.
You see the problem here?