Say “aye” or yes" if you are in favour defederation.
Say “nay” or “no” if you are against defederation.
Only users who have a account can vote. Fresh accounts won’t be counted.
Yes you should. This instance should not have been federated at all and I regret having voted in favor. You’re a bunch of racist fucks.
Racist because of one parody image of Xi the Pooh that was clearly not even aimed at Asians in general? Jesus you guys are a bunch of snowflakes. And that’s coming from an Asian/Taiwanese myself. We don’t need your self imposed superiority to feel sorry for us. We know what’s racist and what’s not. Thank you.
You can paint the president of the world’s largest asian country yellow and I I’ll tell you it’s fine
pick me
You can depict the current leading party in Taiwan as maggots and I could also tell you it’s fine. In fact, people here already do. The CCP just so happens to be that sensitive about a fucking yellow cartoon bear. Hilarious I know. If they someday be also sensitive about a pink alien and we make fun of it, are you going to tell me it’s racist against aliens?
From what I see, Hexbears feeling the need to judge others for matters that aren’t about themselves, and also don’t bother to listen to the people who they think are affected, are the ones who drank the coolaid.
They are just larpers that like the whole USSR/CCP asthetic,my advice is to not engage them since they will just piss you of and no valuable conversation is gonna come out from it.
I am literally an anarchist who has also done more praxis than most of your instance combined.
I’m not debating you I am pointing out a very obvious fact about your community.
Oh if it’s so obvious you must have plenty of very obvious examples of the entirety of SJW being obviously racist.
your instance is full of either cryptofascists or ignorant bigots
there are like 5 who are smart people with a soul
Isn’t it funny how this poll was started by the person who moderates the community with the racist banner? Apparently their opinion counts for something over here 🤔
those damn Chinese citizens making racist memes of themselves!
(for those unaware, Xi Ping as Winnie the Pooh originated from Chinese citizens making fun of their government)
a chinese person did not make that image of xi with his skin tinted yellow
Not much is known about them, no, but they were born in China. Considering China’s lack of diversity, chances are is that they are ethnically Chinese.
Hexbearian here, please defederate, thank you
Defederate. Y’all racist as fuck.