You can’t “debunk” Marxism by skimming the Wikipedia page. You can’t expound on your infantile “critique” from a position of total ignorance.
Every time a liberal “debunks” Marxism it is, without fail, not a single exception, the exact same shit that was discredited 150 years ago. A lot of “Marx didn’t consider”s that he’s written entire essays on. They can’t come up with literally anything new, spewing the same shit over and over again like a broken record.
Are liberals allergic to academic honesty?
And no I am not German I stole the screenshot.
She used an example of socialism to describe the success of capitalism. The initial penicillin trials were funded by government and charitable sources, not private capital.
that’s not what socialism is
there’s a reason why neoliberalism was founded on dismantling the state. The mere possibility for a collective response, such as a state funded enterprise for healthcare (lol Biden’s covid eugenics holocaust) is anathema to their “free association between individuals navigating the free market” utopia.