If your understanding of this conflict is so braindead that you think “Putin is exactly like Hitler” and “Selling more weapons that will leave the land uninhabitable for decades is the key to peace” then you’re beyond help. I cannot overstate how stupid and ignorant you come across saying things like this. You are not immune to propaganda, even if you are about to assert that everyone who disagrees with you is “brainwashed” or a “Russian shill” as a way to protect your own ego.
You should leave, this isn’t the place for you. The only two options are that you either get banned or you learn something new and challenge your preconceived notions. And I know how much liberals hate the latter, so just save yourself the trouble.
Americans and being proud of their smug ignorance and denial of the harm they cause, name a better duo. I hope you country has to endure even a tenth of the pain and misery you inflict on the rest of the world, just so you fuckers can get a bit of goddamn perspective.
I live in New Zealand, I’ve never even been to the states.
Try again, sunshine.
The problem with DU is the contamination of the environment with heavy metal.
However it is still oncogenic (cancer-causing), teratogenic (causes birth defects), nephrotoxic (damages kidneys) and accumulates in food and water sources. Here is an open access review article that covers these problems with DU: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7393059/