I would call the idea of having historians after WWIII a very optimistic view…
Silly tankie, we’re talking about the next species that digs up what’s left of humanity in the fossil record
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It won’t really be a world war, more Russia vs all the nations it has pissed off recently.
Which is actually a decent chunk of the world, come to think of it.
Only the West hates Russia. The other 6.5 billion people outside of the West have made it clear they either support Russia or are neutral. I’m sorry but you’re living in a bubble.
The world war, which has arguably been going on for 200 years and never really stopped, will now be: The United States, and its dwindling vassals on one side, and the rest of the world on the other.
The singular nation that has slowly ensured its own demise by teaching other countries to hate it is not Russia, it has never been Russia. It was and always has been the West, more specifically the United States.
The nations with the lowest opinion of Russia are it’s immediate neighbours, what does that tell you?
Well BRICS+ is on Russia’s side and so is most of the rest of the global south. BRICS alone has a bigger population than the entire West combined. And they are the rising economies with the number one by far most powerful industrial base in the world on their side which is China. So it’s more like the West vs the rest of the world which the West has pissed off over the last centuries with their arrogance, their colonialism and their imperialism.
Not that any of that matters cause once the nukes start flying everyone loses. So none of this dick measuring and chest thumping you are trying to engage in will matter which is why it is so stupid that you people are so gleeful about the prospect of a world war.
Of course! If you ignore Syria War, Iemen war, every recent conflict in Africa, besides every other one conflict in this list you only have Russia left!
yes specifically the chunk called western europe and north america
also appropriate username
apparently giving people heart diseases, diabetes and colon cancer ain’t enough anymore
Mcdonalds…decadence? Oh boy
Ignoring Russia’s materially better circumstances for their people compared to the US, even AFTER the horrific fall of socialism in the 90s, the fact remains that the country on the defense has been Russia. They’ve been assertively telling NATO to back off for 8 years now. Historically and contemporarily, communist Soviets and now capitalist Russians, have pressed for peace with the West, which has continued to try and destroy it.
honestly I kinda agree, although unlike the US they have a rich culture, excellent food, deep history, and national identity, nothing can measure up to the quality of american white supremacy, processed fats disguised as food, and a government with an approval rating lower than 30% at any given time.
In short, while the USSR being couped in 1991 led to a decade of SHARPLY falling quality of life, shortly after Putin took power these trends were stopped and in some cases reversed. They retain, in many ways, much better societal amenities (healthcare, education), and on average their common people live decently–still not on par with USSR standards but much better than the 90s and better than the USA, for sure, which grows truer every day as Russia either retains what it has or improves, while USA across the board continues to decay and decay. The difference will be even more stark in the next few decades, and if socialism returns to Russia (more likely to happen sooner than a socialist United States, that is certain) the difference will be colossal.
This is not specific to Russia and America, these trends are reflective when comparing any Western country to many non-Western ones; even the extremely impoverished countries have a much brighter long-term future than the imperial core. The rest of the world, no matter their current position, is improving, slowly and steadily, while the West, slowly but steadily, is dying.
You know what? This kind of intentional boastful arrogant blusterous stupidity makes me sick and dumb (not so much as you, you can rest easy knowing that you are on a very high level in this matter) so I’ll just post this:
I don’t think anyone imagines WW2 could have been averted if only we had placated Hitler harder why should ww3 be avoidable by placating Putin?
If anything this is ideal Russia is breaking their back on our weapons but retains a trivial route out without any declared conflict.
If we could have convinced them this would happen ahead of time we could have avoided conflict entirely. As it stands the biggest obstacles to eventual peace is the notion that if Vlad just waits it out Republicans may regain control and collaborate.
If your understanding of this conflict is so braindead that you think “Putin is exactly like Hitler” and “Selling more weapons that will leave the land uninhabitable for decades is the key to peace” then you’re beyond help. I cannot overstate how stupid and ignorant you come across saying things like this. You are not immune to propaganda, even if you are about to assert that everyone who disagrees with you is “brainwashed” or a “Russian shill” as a way to protect your own ego.
You should leave, this isn’t the place for you. The only two options are that you either get banned or you learn something new and challenge your preconceived notions. And I know how much liberals hate the latter, so just save yourself the trouble.
Americans and being proud of their smug ignorance and denial of the harm they cause, name a better duo. I hope you country has to endure even a tenth of the pain and misery you inflict on the rest of the world, just so you fuckers can get a bit of goddamn perspective.
The problem with DU is the contamination of the environment with heavy metal.
However it is still oncogenic (cancer-causing), teratogenic (causes birth defects), nephrotoxic (damages kidneys) and accumulates in food and water sources. Here is an open access review article that covers these problems with DU: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7393059/
You have been grossly misled.
Russia is not the Nazis, America and its vassal Ukraine are. They are the ones, after all, who always touted and celebrated Nazis, integrating them politicially and militarily with great fervor.
WW3 was avoidable save US “interventionism.” We have been stoking conflict and suffering across the entire world for a century, including yes in both Ukraine and Russia.
Lastly, Russia is not “breaking their back” on anything, if you have been paying attention to your pro-Western sources even they are finally meekly admitting the war has always been a disaster for them. 5 dead Ukranians for every 1 dead Russian. The economic war killed not the ruble but the dollar. US/NATO have exhausted their munitions, manpower, and money, with no viable long term strategy to recoup it. We are already halfway through WW3, and the tides are shifting. Dresden will burn and the Volkstrumpen will strangle each other for bread.
Russia did everything it could to avert war. Not the same situation at all.
Putin isn’t on some rampage to conquer the world for Lebensraum. Russia knows that if Ukraine joins NATO, nukes will be set up just 800 km from Moscow. If you don’t understand why this is an issue, then you don’t understand what is going on.
I barely had patience for liberals at the start of the conflict. There’s a certain amount of grace to give when a major event happens and people are trying to piece out the background after not paying attention for years. Now? That doesn’t exist anymore. Liberals are simply choosing to remain ignorant at this point when it comes to Russia-Ukraine.
I might use this in a bot.
If subject Ukraine
If user liberal
Auto reply quote
“Doesn’t look like anything to me.”
Libs remind of the Hosts from Westworld who would be incapable of processing certain information even when watching it. They have the “West can do no wrong” premise drilled into their heads and no amount of evidence will make them see otherwise.
because Hitler believed in an ideology that ultimately logically demanded the total conquest and subjugation/extermination of all other peoples of the earth and is thus a special case.
Putin who is not a nazi and has not at any point expressed such beliefs is not Hitler and comparing everyone you don’t like to Hitler is soft holocaust denial as it effectively minimises the Nazis crimes
If we could have convinced them this would happen ahead of time
Silly, they were the ones warning us.
Funny how in your WWII parallel the country that banned all unions and opposition parties (including the communist party), the one who ethnic cleansed their Russian population, run by the descendents of Nazi collaborators (Bandera supporters), today’s Ukraine is your USSR.