In short, I’m miserable, lonely, and broke. I need to get the fuck out of California and into someplace with rent less than $1000 a month. I also need to find a job that gets me like $25 an hour. I’m good at data entry and formwork and I have a really great voice I have no idea what to do with. I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing and I suck ass at all the important parts of being a person, and all the people who try to help me can’t help me or I don’t get it because I got the full power of the spectrum radiating inside of my forebrain and it’s fucking me up.
I’ve tried budgeting with spreadsheets and it doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried looking for work but it’s a brand new hell every time I open the browser. I hate this. I fucking hate that mental illness fucked me up when I was supposed to figure out my life and now that I’m finding a bit of peace within myself I still have to contend with all the things everyone else has to do and recognizes as shitty but somehow get done while I just suck ass at everything.
Help me.
I’m in a similar situation and I don’t think I can mentally handle work, so I’m trying to convince my family to let me be a kind of house spouse or something (which I will also probably kinda suck at but at least I will be somewhat useful instead of just doing nothing and endlessly failing at being a wage slave?)
It’s really amazing, I was “fine” (looking back:not really) all throughout school because I got such good grades, all the adults hyping me up making it sound like I’m gonna “go places”. I literally cannot function lol. I am perpetually burnt out all the time just from existing.
If not for the pity and generosity of my mother, I would likely be homeless. I’m sorry, I wish I had advice. I read somewhere that 80% of autistic people are unemployed. Idk how accurate that is, but given how hard it is for us to keep up with the NTs, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I read somewhere that 80% of autistic people are unemployed
I’ve read this many times, and I kinda believe it but also like, how the fuck are y’all surviving? It’s not like this is a country where you can be alive without a job.
Homeless, living in supportive housing, living with parents, inheritance, or staying in constant burnout turning over job after job til the very end
I feel this in my bones. 4 jobs in the past 4 years. Make it through the first few months feeling like it will be different. Eventually burnout and function poorly until I am laid off or it’s so overwhelming I quit. Rinse and repeat.
Trying to work and finish my degree now, but my job is so soul sucking I counterintuitively stay up way too late at night trying to disassociate from my current existence through videos and weed
I think a lot of the “NEET” (that might be a 4chan term sry) and “living in mom’s basement” types are this, and if you don’t have that sort of privilege, probably a lot of homelessness :/
Like most terms it started out as a real term and got muddled over time. Like, did you know fool was originally a medical diagnosis? People enjoyed misusing it so much we forgot its original use. Neet was a government clarification for people Not in Education Emploument or Training. The 4chan core audience to be sure