This person is shitting their pants that fascism is not a viable ideology. Do they sound like someone who does not have a skin in the game to you?
The entire point of games is to try things you wouldn’t normally do…
What kind of heinous crimes are you simulating in your video games, buddy?
What kind of heinous crimes are you simulating in your video games, buddy?
To be fair I kill cops in videogames all the time but don’t currently advocate for it in real life.
Ok, but this person’s complaint isn’t “fascism isn’t making me win instantly” it’s “I can’t even make the country become fascist.”
What kind of heinous crimes are you simulating in your video games, buddy?
One where you kill your own mother, then go into her womb and kill her heart, for example. Have you never played a violent game? It’s pretty well studied that violence in video games doesn’t lead to violence in real life.
You are decontextualising violence there. I can play a violent video game where I kill Nazis without much problem but I won’t play a video game where I am a Nazi soldier fighting for Nazi Germany.
Even in Issac there is some justification to the whole scenario since the mother is abusive and not to mention the supernatural nature of the universe the game is set in. Would you play a video game where you psychotically beat up your warm, kind, lovely, caring mother for no moral reason? This is not just about trying it out once out of morbid curiosity. But trying it out over and over again and then complaining on an internet forum that the passerbys in the game are not letting you beat your lovely mother senseless.
Isaac isn’t committing a crime, he’s defending himself from his mother trying to kill him.
Alright, a better example: Minecraft, which doesn’t force you to do anything, but it’s common for players to enslave villagers and make them work in tiny spaces, steal their crops and sell them back to them, make animal farms where the animals can barely move, etc.
I make utopian anarchist paradises in RimWorld idk what the rest of you are doing in there