I’m lucky enough to have stuck with the same employer for almost a decade. Reading the non-insane fragments of resume made my skin crawl. I hate it. I hate everything about how self-aggrandizing you have to be, I hate the phraseology, everything about this is antethical to the way humans communicate. Also this MF listed “avid skier” as if a hiring manager would give a fuck lmao
Surprisingly ChatGPT is great at making a resume sound better if you give it specific commands. It’s great at the corporate speak and self-aggrandizing shit that I cringe too hard to properly write.
Oh absolutely! My girlfriend and some friends have done that. It’s awesome at generating corpo-speak. And of course the hiring manager will feed all of the AI generated resumes into an AI which will scan them to determine the best candidates. We will achieve AI to AI communication, and everything will be utterly distinct from the actual needs of the position. It will be pure HR lingo, iterating on itself forever
Actually this can be very good. The AI-AI step cancels the corpo-speak. The candidate just sends bullet points with actual data and the AI decides what to do. Nobody ever sees those inflated CVs.
listed “avid skier” as if a hiring manager would give a fuck lmao
we once hired a Frenchman whose resume read:
Sport (Basketball for 10 years), Reading (mainly French literature), Piano (started to impress a girl, now I’m pretty good)