Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
I think they’re snap peas can’t actually remember which ones they are.
A bountiful harvest. I can see another one coming along in the background too.
My snow peas have started to die off already, although there are a couple of later planted ones that just started flowering and are looking good. Hopefully they will keep producing long enough to get me through until the beans start producing.
Mine are dying too, and the second run never came up. Zero tomatoes also. F this weird weather.
I’m still planting tomatoes, and have quite a few backup seedlings coming along to replace any that die in the garden. I’ve got quite a few cherry tomatoes of various colours too, which tend to be a bit hardier. I have 10 different varieties of tomato all up, across four different locations in the garden, so if I don’t manage anything I will be very disappointed!