Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
I think they’re snap peas can’t actually remember which ones they are.
A bountiful harvest. I can see another one coming along in the background too.
My snow peas have started to die off already, although there are a couple of later planted ones that just started flowering and are looking good. Hopefully they will keep producing long enough to get me through until the beans start producing.
Mine are dying too, and the second run never came up. Zero tomatoes also. F this weird weather.
I’m still planting tomatoes, and have quite a few backup seedlings coming along to replace any that die in the garden. I’ve got quite a few cherry tomatoes of various colours too, which tend to be a bit hardier. I have 10 different varieties of tomato all up, across four different locations in the garden, so if I don’t manage anything I will be very disappointed!
Been staving off the tiredness with chores for most of today, busy doing some laundry, unpacking, washing the coffee grinder, sticking up command hooks, and mopping the house like it’s never been mopped before (the mops got two rounds of machine washing and line drying to get the dirt completely out).
I confess over winter I’ve neglected mopping for far too long because I was wearing slippers the whole time - and I HATE mopping with the microfibre finger thing tho it does a good job when you do squeeze it out properly. There’s areas that might need a fifth go over tomorrow because they still feel oddly sticky. The house definitely feels energetically (?) lighter and better now though. I have one of those spray mops now to (hopefully) make regular mopping easier.
Reheated my defrosted dinner, g&t is made, kicking back for the evening and then catching up on sleep. Don’t like overnight flights for this reason…
Just remember less is more with floor cleaner - too much can make your floors sticky.
I’ve only been using warm water - I think the stickiness is from dirt or dust that’s gotten smooshed around everywhere…
I had an egg suicide while making breakfast. I showed Mr Woof, who was completely disinterested. My old dog would have cleaned it up for me in about 5 seconds. Instead I had to use paper towel. Mr Woof is great in his security alarm role, but not good as cleanup crew.
Job interview tomorrow! I really want a new role asap. Hopefully before my birthday in 2 weeks! 🤞🏾
I’m not sure what happened to the showers and/or thunderstorm that were predicted this afternoon. It’s blazing hot out there (in direct sun) with blue skies in all directions. I just put some shade cloth over my outdoor seedling area - there is a difference between “hardening off” and murder. I’ve also added some shade over the newly transplanted seedlings in the garden which are looking a bit traumatised. Hopefully we get some cloud cover soon or I might have to put some cover over the zucchinis too, they are already looking quite wilted. They will have more shade over summer once the beans grow, but at the moment are in full sun and this is a bit much for them.