somebody should make a starswar that’s the events of first three movies from the perspective of empire liberal media, maybe that would punch through the illiteracy.
I’m honestly worried we’d have a bunch of libs coming away just believing the media in the show and completely missing the point lol
has star wars shown any type of press or media at all in their universe? that’d actually make for a good show or something
Rebels does, as did the Imperial campaign in the Rogue Squadron game. One of the characters is someone who unironicall supports the empire but wants to restore senatorial power, like the “Moderate” republican to Mon Mothma’s shitlib.
Its implied she’s even more of a moral void than the outright fascists who at least openly want and revel in war and bloodshed.
Rebels has things like Empire Day where there are parades etc and you see the average Imperial’s apathy.
And andor has incel guy mall cop as a main character who buys the kool aid, of course
Not quite what you’re looking for, but I remember in that Han Solo movie that I saw a few years ago, that I reacted to how the Empire’s recruitment efforts used a major key version of the Imperial March.
I love that we now have two diagetic “heroic” Imperial Marches which both do their own spin. There is the major key Solo one and the Rebels empire day one
Yes, in many books from EU Holonet was mentioned to be republic(and empire)-wide instant communication network with functions like the TV and internet. Coverage and function varied from author to author though.
it was a very 90s kinda internet, and none of the characters we followed were posters.
one of the smarter things to not go into exhaustive detail about really.
The BLOODY ATTACK ON YAVIN by the terror group known as the Rebel Alliance has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Imperial citizens, completely unprovoked
Look I don’t like Emperor Palpatine, he should step down after the Kkhhrebels are finally defeated.
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If you haven’t seen it, Troops is a classic Star Wars fan work (pre-prequels!) that tells the story of A New Hope from the point of view of the Stormtroopers, in the form of a Cops-like reality TV episode. (CW: contains comedic depictions of police violence)
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