I know the leftist in me is supposed to have sympathy for these people and get them to unionize. But only after I stop laughing and enjoying this moment. For years these fucks told the rest of us to “learn to code” and pretended like studying anything else at uni was a fucking waste of time.
GUESS WHAT FUCKERS. SO WAS CODING. Looks like we’ll be baristas together, only I’ll have three years of experience!!!
Learn to code bros have fallen. All that’s left are the Go to trade school bros who act like trades are completely free to learn, guarantee unionized employment and don’t absolutely destroy your body.
Oh no, they’re boomers with cushy white-collar jobs who want YOU to go to trade school.
From the way they see it, trades are manly and if you become a macho man in the trades, they can live vicariously through you in being manly as a way to make up for their own insecurities in their masculinity.