Idiot dipshit moron who homework-copied Pascal’s Wager has zero concept of how society or human beings function
The funniest part is that the dorks on LessWrong were so afraid of the imitation brand Pascal’s Wager it became a banned topic on their forum
I thought it was because they were just tired of seeing people discuss it
Yudkowsky eventually banned it for a semi-decent reason–namely, that all the nerds on LessWrong were so deranged that he was concerned about it doing actual psychological harm to them as a result of their obsession. He claims now that he never really thought it was a serious threat, but his original reaction to Roko’s post is both pretty funny and indicates otherwise:
Listen to me very closely, you idiot. YOU DO NOT THINK IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL ABOUT SUPERINTELLIGENCES CONSIDERING WHETHER OR NOT TO BLACKMAIL YOU. THAT IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE THING WHICH GIVES THEM A MOTIVE TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON THE BLACKMAIL. You have to be really clever to come up with a genuinely dangerous thought. I am disheartened that people can be clever enough to do that and not clever enough to do the obvious thing and KEEP THEIR IDIOT MOUTHS SHUT about it, because it is much more important to sound intelligent when talking to your friends. This post was STUPID.