Inasmuch as I disagree with XR, I disagree with this meme more.
This was likely drawn by someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone they disagree with
Isn’t that… everyone?
I don’t exactly go around thinking “man all these people who disagree with me are so fucking brilliant, unlike me, I’m a total dumbass!”
Bring up Einstein’s anti-capitalist critique and see what they say?
Even if I tried very hard to imagine myself as a chud the cognitive dissonance of unironically saying “yeah unfortunately the smartest man ever was right about almost everything. The one thing he got wrong? Capitalism of course!”.
Bring up Einstein’s anti-capitalist critique and see what they say?
There’s also a lot of brilliant scientists who are Libertarian weirdos, also I think Einstein was a Zionist. The logic here doesn’t really hold, being brilliant in one field doesn’t make you universally brilliant, you can recognize Einstein was a brilliant physicist but think he was wrong about other stuff.
I think what people mean when they say “you just think you’re opinions are smarter than everyone else” is “you’re less open to challenging your own opinions”. The former statement makes no logical sense, an opinion is by definition something you think is correct, if you thought your own opinion was wrong it would no longer be your opinion.
I often acknowledge the intelligence of people I’m opposed to. A lot of them are pretty smart in their own way.
Yeah I recognize there are people smarter than me in certain things, for sure. I don’t exactly go around proclaiming opinions that I think are incorrect, that would be weird, “here is my opinion, by the way I think it’s wrong!” Why would it be my opinion then? An opinion by nature is something I think is correct, if I thought other peoples opinions were smarter than mine wouldn’t I just change my opinion to theirs?