Honestly its rude to be invited by a country to meet their president who decided to respond to your criticisms of their administration only to not show up and go meet the opposition.
Being invided and then no showing shows complete disregard to basic diplomatic Etiquette since it was a mission to show solidarity against the embargo
Bonus socdems being cringe part 4.5: about another member that didnt show up to the presidential meeting
Deeply unserious people
The complete and total failure to see an opportunity presenting itself to these morons is beyond stupidity.
It’s beyond stupidity alright. No one is this fucking stupid, so the only reasonable conclusion is that they’re ops.
No trust me there are people exactly this stupid and they’re the dominant members of the DSA.
The DSA is made up primarily of Sanders Dems and entryist Trots that think they’re very sneaky. There are minorities that are better but these groups are louder and maintain their positions by being exhausting, i.e. fundamentally liberal.
The trots and succdems are currently the minority faction on the national political committee?
Bread and Roses are Trots. They have almost out-sneaked themselves to the point that many members don’t know their ideological heritage. Bread and Roses brought a Hong Kong protester to the 2023 convention and is anti-China in a precisely Trot way. Its internationalism focuses almost exclusively on independent trade unions, usually in opposition to anti-imperialist organizations and actions. They aligned with the libs to kill the BDS working group and do the exact same kinds of things that Maria did.
MUG is neo-Trot. They don’t specifically highlight Trotsky but their focuses are all the things Trots in DSA care about and frame. They are less focused on causing drama, though.
SMC, Groundwork/GND are SocDems.
Red Star and Communist Caucus are the only not terrible DSA groups anyone might recognize. And they’re still a bit lackluster because they’re trying to reform a reformist org into something a bit more commie without being abrasive which is basically impossible given the opposition.
DSA itself arose from a Trot trying to be more reformist so it’s not surprising to see that legacy everywhere.
Tallying up just B&R, SMC, and Groundwork, that’s 11 of the 18 NPC positions. If you include MUG, it’s 13 of the 18.
Source: some of my comrades try to do commie things in the DSA and complain to me a lot.
I genuinely don’t think they actually thought through any of this. They’ve treated it like it’s some school trip where a class gets to meet the prez and say a few words. Not as a real and serious political organisation trying to make ties that will benefit their cause.
Would they behave this way with the UK? With Norway or Sweden? Countries that wouldn’t give them the time of day and wouldn’t support them? Would they offend them with criticisms of how they run their states if given any kind of diplomatic welcome? I somehow think they wouldn’t. They’d treat it like a westerners day out.
They went there to lecture them. Imbeciles. A country that in the past has not been against literally arming their allies in foreign nations. Let alone providing lukewarm resource support.
Just incredible shortsightedness. These are people you should be building trust with to eventually reach the point of collaboration.
They went there to lecture them.
Exactly. Why did this arrogant westoid think they have any right to share their “critiques” anyway. Extremely patient and kind of Diaz-Canal to even entertain their bullshit and offer them a private meeting to address their critiques. Critiques and reforms of the Cuban project should come from Cubans, not from Americans. Why does she think she has any right to dictate anything to the Cubans whatsoever? She’s so arrogant she thinks she has the solution while Cubans are just too stupid to figure it out? She should have been there to learn, not to lecture.
How ironic that her defenders try to attack others with “she’s actually doing something in real life” when she’s a rep from a succdem party trying to lecture a socialist country governed by the heirs to a real life, actual, communist revolution.