love to die
I know, right? It is a completely understandable sentiment that I empathize with. This isn’t some 20-something shrugging, ignoring reality, and disregarding any concern for the well-being of other people because they want to go to a beach party. It sounds like this woman isn’t long for this world regardless, but if she wants to increase her risk in order to be with the people she fucking loves before she dies then far be it from me to ridicule or chastise her for that.
Putting the scare quotes around “experts” is a little telling, and I hope the family does everything possible to limit the risk, but under the circumstances described, I’d not be taking the recommendation to isolate either tbh.
thats the thing, they could still meet and try their best, but the “experts” part tells me they are fine with murdering gram gram and any inconvenience is not worth her life
Im mad the people going to meet grams aren’t going to wear a mask or other basic precautions is all im saying. there are harm reduction things you could do leading up to it. my roomate actually requested me to do stricter than normal quarantine (not that im that unsafe as of now tbh) for two weeks leading up to thanksgiving so she can visit her grandma. im not even saying go that far but if they are a skeptic of “experts” then i bet they don’t believe lethality of covid and thus aren’t going do any sort of precautions. its not perfect but there are things you can do to mitigate harm.