Trump talks from both sides of his mouth. He’s also dropped the “mother of all bombs”, threatened to go after terrorists families, okay’ed the Venezuela coup attempt, regardless of it being driven by the hard neocons like Bolton. He will simultaneously say he’ll end military expansion, while still engaging in it, such as the bombings in Yemen
dude the numbers don’t lie, thousands less civilians died under trump than obama. like many, many thousands.
trump is a piece of shit, no doubt, but a war monger he is not. he actively opposed it. the articles on the subject are begging to label him a “war president”, but the defense department annually releases civilian casualties and trump’s max count is about 13,000 after four years. one is too many, but 13,000 is less than the hundreds of thousands that die under previous administrations every time.
Who the fuck mentioned Obama? Your suggesting Trump is against war which is as dumb as chuds thinking he’s anti establishment
i fucking mentioned obama. read your own fucking article, it’s the direct article i sourced my information from. he is indeed against war. "According to estimates provided by the report, at least 86 civilians were killed in airstrikes and raids carried out in Yemen on Trump’s watch. "86 is fucked, but pretending that he’s anywhere near the monster obama was when it came to civilian casualties is fucking stupid.