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Woke is back
I decided to criticize the “acceptance” of LGBT issues in leftist spaces, saying that leftists get upset if you don’t suck them off for not being bigots while they attempt to silence any perspective that says they could do more. And someone got upset
This doesn’t surprise me. Apparently, there are several people here that unironically believe that hentai is “the most ethical form of porn”. Yes, hentai - the genre the glorifies rape, sex with minors and fetishizes literally anything a person could imagine.
The justification? “HeNtAi IsNt ReAl PeOplEes!!1”
The mental gymnastics must be astounding if you want to jerk off to children while still pretending that’s a normal thing for someone to do. Must be a lot of Va*shits lurking here.
Sorry bud, this is orientalism. The defining aspect of hentai is merely that it is drawn, and you have merely ascribed those other characteristics to it
I don’t know how you could possibly ignore the material reality of people exploited for real pornography in favor of “hentai offends my sensibilities”
So it’s ok to fantasize about child porn and rape as long as it’s just a drawing?