Of course, they can’t say “war criminal Donald Trump” because that would then invite people to call Biden a war criminal too
The courts you imagine to exist for trying these folks… Where can I find them?
The Hague. Granted, they won’t put them on trial because the ICC exists to legitimize, not undermine, the western imperial project, but that’s what they’re supposed to be doing on paper.
As updated, your comment seems to be arguing that there is no way to deliver justice to some people regardless of how much they may deserve it, which leads to the conclusion that our justice system is arbitrary in whom it choose to punish. So, given that, why should we care if Trump is a felon?
I think that some crimes won’t ever see justice. This world is not fair. Pretending it ever will be, or was, is a fairy tale.
I’m not trying to argue.
I’d say that there is such a thing as a jurisdiction.
Actions committed inside the range of a prosecutor’s jurisdiction are eligible for prosecution by that party.
The argument is war crimes vs a felon.
Why should we care that Trump is a felon? If it was for a series of DUIs, I’d say I wouldn’t care.
The felonies are for election interference in a state that had jurisdiction. Election interference in a race for the same job he’s shooting for again.
The felon is making promises to abuse the military industrial complex to a level that makes war crimes committed so far seem bashful.
If we were to compare the war crimes of the two candidates we still come up in favor of Biden. I don’t have the time to list the atrocities committed by our war machine(s).
Trump was arguably on the side of fascists and has come out in praise of dictators. Trump has said that NATO would be dismantled under his care if they didn’t pay up, like some sort of mob collection scheme. Trump has said that Israel should step up their genocide. Trump seriously mismanaged every military operation that he was involved in. For example: destroying lives and completely upending free and fair rule of law in Afghanistan bungling a withdrawal that left the Islamic religious terrorists in control
There isn’t a court to prosecute our president(s) for any defensive or offensive actions taken. There absolutely should be. Good luck getting any non-compliant nuclear powers to submit.