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The curse doesn’t get fixed because the story is about Batman solving crimes and if the crimes stop there’s no more story.

5 points

Yup. It’s fucking stupid, but it’s there to stop people asking about it.

Fixing Gotham is basically a macguffin that the editors want you to ignore to just enjoy the setting as is.

4 points

That seems like a bad excuse. They completely reboot the series all the time anyway. It’s not like concluding a story for once would actually stop them from just coming back next month with the same story again.


Because usually when they reboot it’s very poorly planned and they don’t tell writers far enough in advance. That’s why the New 52 was so confusing with Green Lantern and Batman continuing their pre-reboot storylines while there was a brand new superman, brand new Wonder Woman, etc. If they gave a writer like two years to conclude the story of Batman before a reboot that would be cool, but will never happen because comic book publishing houses are run by petty, nepotistic hacks.




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