I will never forgive Disney for introducing Wakanda to white people
Am I the only person who thought the giant forcefield protecting Wakanda being activated/deactivated by a tribal drumming routine a bit iffy? To me that would be like MI6 Q labs being unlocked by a Morris dancer troop.
I’m still mad they kept the weird “We pick kings through ritual combat” angle
Which, you know, making the technologically advanced nation governmentally regressive is still really racist
Even wypipo would ideally know better than to have “the world’s friendliest CIA agent” among the supporting cast of heroes in the movie. Or so I’d like to think… though then again, “CIA killing/torturing/drugging Anglo wypipo = bad, CIA killing/torturing/drugging anyone else = good” probably is the logic
No he wanted to kill all non-blacks by sending weapon caches to London and Shanghai!