I think seeing the trump supporters wave nazi flags made him do a double take.
That was a truly awful video, and Chris wasn’t even objecting, he was going along with it, as can be expected from the guy whose most infamous comedy bit is about how there’s good black people and there are slurs.
And then CK just really reveling about using the word constantly, with everyone laughing. Bizarre video.
These type of these white dudes don’t want friendship with poc they just wanna have people who are social experiments. Their ideas of bonding is what some call shit tests. Just probing and prodding. Seeing what they can get away with with you. And if they sense weakness well… You see that vid is in a live audience imagine in private.
I’ve always wondered how Chris rock feels about his legacy being “giving racists a pass on calling black people the n word”
Based on that video, doesn’t seem to really bother him.
His legacy is now getting smacked at the oscars and throwing his entire race under the bus. Must suck
He also coined “the friend zone” in the same special. Honestly though I don’t think it’s fair to fault him for that. Chuds steal things and recontextualize them in a way that removes irony, humour and nuance. It’s their whole thing. The solution to that isn’t to just make art that has no irony, humour or nuance. That’s just letting idiots bully us out of making anything that doesn’t talk down to its audience.