You know, my plan when Bernie eventually dies, was to not exactly celebrate; but more to reflect that, yeah even though he ended up being a liberal Zionist piece of shit I respect the fact that he started something that got many of us on the pipeline.
But fuck that, now I will be doing crab dances when he dies and piss on his grave.
I ended up with some free swag for [extremely ghoulish corporation] that I’ve held onto in the hopes that I could find a very funny situation to wear it, so there’s always that angle. I realize that it’s a lot more painful to hold on to something that you once felt proud of, though.
I have a CIA pen in my drawer for that exact reason. Only corpo swag I use are stickers from small places like Goulet pens, and a Hudson River trading sticker that says “code with hrt”.
Same, one depressing but also funny part of going to STEM exclusive job fairs is that I have a lot of swag from military and weapons contractors I try to use ironically.
Goulet pens’ owners were recently revealed to be part of a very homophobic church group and did not disavow, kept liking gross stuff on social media.
Sorry lol