The missing step here is the point that the CIA is evil and should be dismantled. If you accept that, you don’t have an issue with “lol owned” responses to some imperialist toady getting got. But if you haven’t accepted that yet, and you’re holding onto some idea that the CIA is vaguely on the right side, of course cheering on the deaths of CIA drones seems callous.
The point to focus on when news like this comes up is “the CIA is absolutely not the good guys.” That’s a more valuable message (it’s systemic, not individual) that will reach more people.
A lot of people were pointing out “The CIA shouldn’t be in Somalia,” but this is funny too.
Even “we shouldn’t be there” falls short of the mark. If someone thinks the CIA is vaguely good (and there are decades of propaganda selling this take), they’ll just view a CIA stooge dying in a place he shouldn’t be as some “good intentions/tragic mistake” nonsense. That’s how a lot of people view Vietnam and Iraq, for instance.
Making the case that the CIA itself is bad cuts through all of that. There’s no “oh they were probably trying to do the right thing” excuse that way.