Not “Has"the left” ever been wrong", but have social conservatives, ever, once, been right, in any country, about any issue, ever?
Well two things:
1- this depends if you’re talking about a specific group of conservatives like American conservatives which are just more conservative neoliberals. If these are indeed the conservatives you are talking about, then
2- The ideology of neoliberalism itself has no frame of reference built in for self crit like dialectical materialism, therefore many accurate criticisms of neoliberalism come from hypocritical neoliberals themselves who live through and observe the issues at hand and think more of what they are doing is the solution. Ask any neolib if they want to eliminate poverty, they’ll tell you yes and they may even tell you that capitalism is the issue. The problem stems from them thinking MORE free capitalism can fix poverty. So their critique of capitalism resulting in poverty is correct, their method of addressing it is where they go wrong.
I watched Richard Wolff debate some libertarian on “capitalism or socialism” and the libertarian actually said “we don’t live in capitalism, we live in CRAPitalism” to thunderous applause.
So yeah I agree with your second point.
It’s so fucking interesting to me how motherfucking cyclical everything is. tHiS tYpE oF wRiTiNg wE uSe tO mOcK wRoNg pEoPlE sAyInG tHeiR wRonG iDeAs actually already came and went on the internet. This goes way back, from the local dial up bulletin board 90s to the height of forums in the early 2000s. It was so ubiquitous, in fact, so mainstream, that it actually became lamestream, and only boomers did that shit (we didn’t say boomers back then, but whatever the equivalent was), and the hep cat kids would never type it. To see it come back so full throatedly is honestly amusing.
Another one: Borat saying “Niiiiice” in the original Borat. Only the most insufferable Ren Faire dudes and business majors would say it, and no one cool would EVER type “nice” because everyone heard it in Borat’s voice and then someone else would yell some shit about a wizard’s sleeve.
Flash forward to today, and “nice” always gets floated out their about 69s and shit, and I can’t not hear it in Borat voice, and NEVER type that shit.
I know I’m at a Wendy’s right now, but you loved reading that anyway.