Leftists Vs Centrists Vs Right Wingers
not “pragmatic” and incremental enough for you, lib?
neither will doing nothing
It’s not that avoiding elections altogether is necessarily the correct approach, but this is just one more example of AOC and her co-thinkers doing electoral politics wrong. We desperately need more independent socialist candidates with a sober, correct understanding of the fact that if they win seats they’re fighting on the enemy’s turf and shouldn’t join any coalitions with libs or liquidate themselves under a liberal or popular-frontist banner. By operating within the same party, AOC and friends have repeatedly had to bend the knee to Pelosi and the neoliberal clique.
Who the fuck is we? We’re not anybody. We are an undifferentiated mass of political consumers. We have no shape or political will and no ability to express that will even if it did exist. This chart might as well be a ranking list for people’s fantasy football leagues, it doesn’t mean anything for you and me and we have no way to impact it.
Imagining that shouting loud enough or writing enough letters to your congressman will get m4a passed or even voted on is pure liberalism. Organize a collective front and stage strikes/get militant if you want to effect actual political outcomes. Everything else is either jerking off or whining, or god forbid a mix of both
no, it’s eating up the spectacle and expecting it to deliver results. organize. forget the fucking democratic party.
Accusations of ultraleftist abstention I get, but how the fuck do you read the decision to stay out of this fight as opportunist? CTH, for example, is clearly taking an “”“ultraleft”“” anti-entryist position here, not an opportunist one. Probably significantly different from whatever V****'s motivations are. Pressuring Pelosi externally to win M4A is something I can get behind, but why tie this campaign to the doomed struggle to control the uncontrollable (from the inside) Democratic Party? Why trust AOC to lead this sort of fight when this is her strategy to win leverage? She’s still playing the fucking shell game without understanding that it’s a shell game and encouraging the left more broadly to do the same.
this isn’t even an external pressure campaign… “call your reps” is the fucking opportunist line. AOC, I get. she’s hitched her wagon to this eternally-doomed strategy. I’m honestly more skeptical of the rest of the people pushing this. this whole thing seems to me like socdems arguing with each other about the best way to flail ineffectually and there are more opportunists than not involved.
it is organizing to get a M4A vote on the board and having people call their reps/protest for them to vote Yes
The country just voted into the presidency the one democratic candidate who was against m4a. Reps have zero reason to pay attention to any amount of calls
no, that’s mobilization. organizing results in an actual structure after the immediate fight. moreover, it’s strategically bad. the democratic party has absolutely no reason to vote for this, no matter who calls their phones. they don’t answer to their constituents. they answer to capital. this whole strategy is magical thinking.