Leftists Vs Centrists Vs Right Wingers
it is organizing to get a M4A vote on the board and having people call their reps/protest for them to vote Yes
The country just voted into the presidency the one democratic candidate who was against m4a. Reps have zero reason to pay attention to any amount of calls
Dem primary voters’ policy preferences consistently clash with who they vote for because they’re gullible enough to believe candidates when they tell bald-faced lies about how progressive their policies are. During the primary, most candidates didn’t outright oppose M4A but attempted to water it down with phrases like “public option” or “Medicare for those who want it” to signal that they had the same goals as Sanders when they clearly didn’t.
no, that’s mobilization. organizing results in an actual structure after the immediate fight. moreover, it’s strategically bad. the democratic party has absolutely no reason to vote for this, no matter who calls their phones. they don’t answer to their constituents. they answer to capital. this whole strategy is magical thinking.