This is fine
Colorado’s response has been mixed. The governor is a vaguely progressive-ish liberal who has tried to follow the science. However, the state is sandwiched by conservative states and has large pockets of groups like evangelical christians/farmers/oil and gas workers within it that are highly reactionary. None of them will listen to a gay Jewish liberal telling them to follow basic science. When the first wave hit and he declared a lockdown, boomers were making pipebombs and violating the order purposely. Individuals didn’t believe in it, restaurants and bars didn’t want to close or enforce masks, heavy industries like meatpacking colluded with seditious counties to pretend outbreaks weren’t happening. After that initial two month lockdown, there has only been a statewide mask mandate for people over 10 in public spaces which I’d wager 60-80% of people follow to some degree. Those who don’t tend to be very belligerent about it and negate whatever efforts the others were making to keep the virus out. There is zero chance of another real lockdown being enforced. Because the state is a mountain tourism destination and major interstate transportation hub, there is so much transmission potential with much of it being sent up into isolated mountain communities hours away from real hospitals.
Somehow this is on the better end of responses and I feel safer here than I would in most other states.