More like Jimmy BORE
(argue in the comments, but like, the WWE equivalent of arguing)
The one dude in the dem primary who definitively said he isn’t for Medicare for all of any kind got the nomination and the dem voters came out and voted for him anyway.
Because the dems chose their nomination based on “getting the orange mussolini” out, they didn’t pick their candidate based on the issues. On the issues, they’re with the left.
Anyone who’s paying attention knows all the establishment dems are full of shit, and their base votes for them anyway.
Yeah, but not enough people are paying attention. The task of socialists is to organse the working class in to a political actor. If we’re in the business of complaining that people aren’t paying enough attention, we’ll never achieve anything.
On top of that: people don’t only need to know that the dems are full of shit, they need to know that the left isn’t and is fighting on their behalf. The extreme-right tries to show that every day, it’s our duty to not let them win so easily.
The working class won’t come to us out of itself, it’s trust needs to be earned. We can’t be assume everyone is already where we are, we need to build class struggle by keeping on fighting, and growing in the process.