More like Jimmy BORE
(argue in the comments, but like, the WWE equivalent of arguing)
But if you think force the vote is going to have more media penetration than the fucking election I have a bridge to sell you.
I’m not saying that. I’m saying we can force the politcal terrain to be centered around medicare for all, during a pandemic when millions just lost their health insurance.
And there are people who willfully remain ignorant. Ive phonebanked and had people yell at me about the candidate I’m calling for because they’ve never heard of them and haven’t done enough to reach out to them. WTF am I doing?!?!
I’m sorry you had that experience. We will never be able to reach everyone. But don’t allow yourself to become demotivated because people who don’t agree with us were impolite to you. We will never convince everyone, but we will convince more people than we currently have.
The task of socialists is to unite those with an advanced class consciousness, isolate those forces that work against the interests of our class, and convince the broad layers in between.