More like Jimmy BORE
(argue in the comments, but like, the WWE equivalent of arguing)
It’s funny that people will mock performative woke bullshit and then claim this is a good idea lol. The one dude in the dem primary who definitively said he isn’t for Medicare for all of any kind got the nomination and the dem voters came out and voted for him anyway.
I keep seeing these takes and they are just revisionism bs that leftist are more more saying.
Iowa was stolen
Iowa gave Pete a 10% bump in NH which led to Sanders barely winning. Stealing a homerun from Sanders
Sanders slaughters neveda.
Biden says don’t worry its all about sc
Clyburn comes out endorses biden during a time when a huge swath of the black electorate where waiting to be told who to vote for. The minute he endorsed the polls changed. Sc right before bsuper Tuesday 🤔🤔🤔
People didn’t vote for biden cuz they don’t believe in M4a. People barely pay attention and are looking to be told who to vote for. They where fed the lie that biden is the safe one and ate it up.
The nomination was stolen and yes Sanders didn’t do any thing to stop that steal.
It has nothing to do with m4a.
Like it’s been mentioned in other comments people think biden supports, they just got funneled into him by rigged elections and a msm that ignored Sanders.
People barely pay attention and are looking to be told who to vote for. They where fed the lie that biden is the safe one and ate it up.
Fair enough, but why will some obscure vote on the floor of the house change any of that. The same media and Democratic Party operatives that lied to them about Biden will lie to them about this, and life will go on.
I’m not even saying I feel particularly strongly either way, I just think it’s literally pointless.
It’s going to be hard to spin why Nancy is no longer the speaker if they removed her cuz she wouldn’t hold a vote.
I think they should just remove her in general.
I also honestly think that many politicans have no idea what the pulse is in America. They might start to get an idea when their house are vandalized more or their safety is threatened.
I don’t see any reason not to do it.
Well if we’re talking about removing Pelosi as speaker, hell yeh. Then we’d be talking about potential material changes for a working class project in America. But this whole “we’ll pretend to not just coronate her so we can have a performative vote that most democrats know they can vote yes even if they really don’t support M4A” thing? Meh