If you thought you were a true ally, maybe it’s time for some introspection.
Cis het myself and also 4 glasses of wine into my night, I don’t have a problem or anything btw. Don’t really care about gentials, if I like you I like you and that it. Penises and vaginas are cool but at the end of the day I just like dominant ladies. If I had to bet, mind you this is me speculating off myself, I think a lot of guys like penises but have been conditioned to like idk lie or something. Don’t wanna discredit anyone’s experience of anything just giving my own take while I’m sober enough to comment.
Yeah, wait this rolling eyes emoji or thinking? If first sorry if second then I think I know what you talking about. In porn guys are at most disembodied torsos with penises and hands. Probably drunker than I think but hope this makes sense.