If it is illegal, why doesn’t the party swing the hammer and let it come down hard on these companies?
i mean, apparently they are if you believe reddit about what happened to jack ma ;)
One dude, and if he got got it was probably not for labor violations, right?
idk, why don’t you research and it find out?
edit: downvoted for asking someone to do basic research? after i posted a ton of links up there? I didn’t even mean this in a mean way, i just want more facts. bruh
Building socialism takes time, but all the trends are in the right direction. Sorry it isn’t swift and pure enough for you, sitting in your computer chair in America.
Letting capitalist corporations squeeze their workers for the last drop, and that for years and years while the CPC watches on. Such great socialism.
I’m sorry, I’m really not against China or anything(if you want check my post history), but you don’t need to defend everything that happens in China.
Wow have you ever read Lenin? The initial stages of socialism resemble state capitalism, since socialism emerges out of capitalism. Because they don’t leap to full communism, we must condemn!
The trends are in the right direction. Everything is going according to plan. Just chill the fuck out chauvinist. Have some patience and some solidarity.